Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Objectives of Technical Writing



Technical writing must be clearly worded and developed to avoid confusing its audience.


Concise technical writing saves time for both writers and readers.


Avoid grammatical errors by proofreading your work so that you will communicate effectively and appear professional.


Organize your thoughts to help your readers better understand your documents.


The ultimate goal of good technical writing is clarity. If you write a memo, letter, or report that is unclear to your readers, then what have you accomplished?
You have wasted time. If your readers must write you a follow-up inquiry to determine your needs, this wastes their time. Once you receive the inquiry, you must rewrite your correspondence, trying to clarify your initial intentions. You have now written twice to accomplish the same goal. This wastes your time.

To avoid these time-consuming endeavors, write for clarity. But how do you do this?

Provide Specific Detail

One way to achieve clarity is by supplying specific, quantified information. If you write using vague, abstract adjectives or adverbs, such as some or recently, your readers will interpret these words in different ways. The adverb recently will mean thirty minutes ago to one reader, yesterday to another, and last week to a third reader. This adverb, therefore, is not clear. The same applies to an adjective like some. You write, “I need some information about the budget.” Your readers can only guess what you mean by some. Do you want the desired budget increase for 2005, the budget expenditures for 2000, the allotted budget increase for 2006, the guidelines for implementing a budget increase, the budgeted allotment for travel, or the explanation for the budget decrease for training?

Answer the Reporter’s Questions

A second way to write clearly is to answer the reporter’s questions—who, what, when, where, why, and how. The best way we can emphasize the importance of answering these reporter’s questions is by sharing with you the following memo, written by a highly placed executive, to a newly hired employee. Memo is given on page 49.

Use Easily Understandable Words

Another key to clarity is using words that your readers can understand easily. Avoid obscure words and be careful when you use acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon.

Avoiding Obscure Words

A good rule of thumb is to write to express, not to impress; write to communicate, not to confuse. If your reader must use a dictionary, you are not writing clearly. Try to make sense of the following examples of unclear writing.

The following rules are to be used when determining whether or not to duplicate messages:

•Do not duplicate non-duplicatable messages.
•A message is considered non-duplicatable if it has already been duplicated.
Your job duties will be to ensure that distributed application modifications will execute without abnormal termination through the creation of production JCL system testing.

These examples were written by businesspeople who were trying to communicate something. The examples are filled with outdated terms that are difficult to understand.

Obscure Words Alternative Words

Aforementioned already discussed initial first in lieu of instead of accede agree as per your request as you requested issuance send this is to advise you I’d like you to know subsequent later in as much as because ascertain find out pursuant to after forward mail
cognizant know endeavor try remittance pay disclose show attached herewith attached pertain to about supersede replace obtain get

Impressive writing is correspondence we can understand easily. A modern thrust in technical writing is to write the way you speak—unless you speak poorly. Try to be casual, almost conversational.

Using Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Jargon

In addition to obscure words, a similar obstacle to readers is created by acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon.

We have all become familiar with common acronyms such as scuba (self contained underwater breathing apparatus), radar (radio detecting and ranging),
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), FICA (Federal

Insurance Contributions Act), and MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)— single words created from the first letters of multiple words. We are comfortable with abbreviations like FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), JFK (John F. Kennedy), NFL (National Football League), IBM (International Business Machines), and LA (Los Angeles). Some jargon (in-house language) has become so common that we reject it as a cliché. Baseball jargon is a good example. It is hard to tolerate sportscasters who speak baseball jargon, describing line drives as “frozen ropes” and fast balls as “heaters.”

However, more often than not, acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon cause problems, not because they are too common but because no one understands them. Your technical writing loses clarity if you depend on them. You might think your readers understand them, but do they?

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